Pro Palettes Volume 1
Skip the hard part and add more color harmony to your work with these 20 curated and unique color palettes.
Digital download, not a physical book.
Picking the right color is hard.
Picking colors to go with it is even harder. With Pro Palettes you can explore all kinds of new color themes without worrying about if they look good together. Because the hard part is done.
Tired of using the same color schemes for everything? I’ve been there. You want to explore new palettes, but it’s a pain to make your own. And the free ones don’t really cut it. You need something unique and flexible, which is exactly what I built Pro Palettes to be.
Curated with care
Pro Palettes - Vol. 1 comes with a set of 20 bespoke color palettes. Each palette includes 5 base colors with 9 tints/shades for a total of 45 colors per palette. You will never run out of combinations.

Ready to go
These palettes don’t waste time. Each one comes ready to import into your favorite app: Adobe ASE, Procreate swatches, Figma color styles or good old-fashioned HEX values.

PDF Guidebook
You also get a 194 page PDF guidebook with an array of color combo suggestions and example uses for design elements, illustration, gradients and typography.

What you get
- 20 unique color palettes
- 194 page PDF Guidebook
- Adobe ASE swatches
- Procreate swatches
- Figma color styles
- HEX values for every color